Vision Sensor Application Paint Can Handle
In modern manufacturing and packaging, correct, secure fittings and handles are essential for the transportation of product items.
For this application, the customer requested a checking device to ensure that the handles of a paint can were fastened securely to the paint can.
Given the weight of a full paint can, the strain placed on the handle can be quite immense. If the handle is not correctly secured on the plastic lug, the handle will fall off when a customer selects the can from a shelf at a point of sale.
The checker that was used for this particular application ensured the handle is secured in the correct position.
Top Image: Handled located correctly on the lug.
Bottom Image: Incorrect handle placement
This simple yet effective detection application allowed the customer to accurately check products to ensure that each paint can has a well secured handle and to report any paint cans with a defective handle.
If you have a vision application or detection system that you wish to have designed or developed, feel free to contact More Contorl on: 0345 00 00 400.